Как добавить боковую панель в Squarespace?

If you’re using Squarespace, you may want to add a sidebar to your site. This can be done by going to the “Layout” section of your site’s settings and selecting “Sidebar.”

Once you’ve done this, you can add content to your sidebar by going to the “Content” section and selecting “Sidebar. ”

PRO TIP: Adding a sidebar in Squarespace can be tricky and may result in unexpected consequences on your website. If you are not careful, you may end up with a sidebar that is too wide or too narrow, which can throw off the entire look of your site. Before adding a sidebar, be sure to plan out exactly where it will go and how wide it should be, so that you don’t run into any problems.

You can style the text in your sidebar using HTML tags. To make text bold, you can use the < b > tag.

To make text underlined, you can use the < u > tag. And to add a paragraph break, you can use the < p > tag.

Adding a sidebar to your Squarespace site is a great way to add more content and style to your site. By using HTML tags, you can make sure that your sidebar looks just the way you want it to.

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