Как добавить функцию поиска в WooCommerce?

If you’re running a WooCommerce store, you know how important it is to have a search function. After all, what good is a store if your customers can’t find what they’re looking for?

Fortunately, adding a search function to your WooCommerce store is fairly easy. There are two ways you can do it: by using the default WordPress search, or by installing a plugin.

If you want to use the default WordPress search, all you need to do is add the following code to your functions.php file:

PRO TIP: The following article – ‘How Do I Add a Search Function in WooCommerce?’ – contains instructions on how to add a search function to a WooCommerce site. However, it is important to note that WooCommerce does not support search functions. Therefore, any changes made to the code in this article could potentially break your WooCommerce site.

function my_search_form($form) {
$form = "<form role="search" method="get" id="searchform" action="" . home_url( "/" ) . "" >
<div><label class="screen-reader-text" for="s">" . __("Search for:","theme_textdomain") .

<input type="text" value="" . get_search_query() . "" name="s" id="s" />
<input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="". esc_attr__("Search") ."" />

return $form;
add_filter( "get_search_form", "my_search_form", 100 );

This will replace the default WordPress search form with a form that only searches your WooCommerce products. If you want to keep the default WordPress search form and add a separate form for searching your products, you can use this code instead:

function my_product_search() {

if ( !is_admin() ) {

if ( function_exists( "woocommerce_get_product_search_form" ) ) {

$form = WooCommerce_get_product_search_form();

} else {

$form = "";


echo $form;

} // end !is admin conditional statement
} // end my-product-search function declaration 

How Do I Add A Search Function in WooCommerce?

You can add a search function in WooCommerce by using the default WordPress search or by installing a plugin.

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