Как добавить избранное в Canva?

Adding favorites in Canva is a great way to organize your design elements for quick and easy access. To add a favorite, simply click on the heart icon next to the element. This will add it to your “Favorites” section, which can be found in the left sidebar.

You can also add text to your favorites by selecting the “Text” tab in the left sidebar and then clicking on the heart icon next to the text element. This will add the text to your “Favorites” section, which can be found in the left sidebar.

To style text in HTML using < p >, < b > and < u > tags, simply enclose the text you want to style with the appropriate tag. For example, to make text bold, you would enclose it with < b > tags.

To make text underlined, you would enclose it with < u > tags. And to create a new paragraph, you would enclose the text with < p > tags.

PRO TIP: Adding favorites in Canva may seem like a simple task, but if not done correctly, it can cause problems with your account. Make sure to only add favorites that you want to keep track of, as adding too many can make it difficult to find the ones you need. Additionally, be careful when adding links to your favorites as well – only add links that you trust, as adding malicious ones could jeopardize the security of your account.