Как добавить карту в Squarespace?

Adding a map to your Squarespace website is easy! You can use an online mapping service like Google Maps, or Bing Maps, and embed the map into your site using the code provided by the service.

Simply copy and paste the code into the HTML editor in Squarespace, and your map will appear on your page.

If you want to add a bit of style to your map, you can use the

, , and tags to format the text. For example, you could use the

tag to add a paragraph around your map, or the tag to make the title of your map bold.

Here’s how to add a map to your Squarespace website:

PRO TIP: Adding a map to your Squarespace website can be a great way to visualise your business location, or to show visitors where your products are shipped from. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before adding a map to your site.

Firstly, make sure that you have a valid Google Maps API key. Without a key, your map will not display correctly on your site. Secondly, be aware of the potential for map vandalism. If you do not have a key, anyone with the link to your map can edit it. Finally, remember that maps can slow down your website if they are not optimised properly.

If you follow these simple guidelines, adding a map to your Squarespace website can be a great way to enhance your site and engage with visitors.

  1. Перейдите на Google Maps или в другой картографический онлайн-сервис.
  2. Найдите место, которое вы хотите добавить на свой сайт.
  3. Нажмите на кнопку «Поделиться».
  4. Перейдите на вкладку «Встроить карту».
  5. Скопируйте код, предоставленный сервисом.
  6. Вставьте код в HTML-редактор в Squarespace.


Теперь ваша карта появится на вашей странице!
