Как добавить кнопки Canva на холст?

If you’re looking to add some extra flair to your Canva design, buttons are a great way to do it. Buttons can be used to add interactivity to your design, whether it’s to make something happen when clicked or hovered over.

You can even use them as links to other pages or websites. In this article, we’ll show you how to add buttons to your Canvas design and how to style them using HTML.

Buttons are a great way to add interactivity and style to your Canva designs. To add a button, first create a rectangle shape. Then, click on the “button” icon in the top toolbar.

This will open the button editor. From here, you can choose what action you want the button to perform when clicked or hovered over. You can also add text and style the button using HTML.

To style your button using HTML, first select the button in the editor. Then, click on the “< / >” icon in the top toolbar.

This will open the HTML editor. Here, you can add any HTML tags you want, including < p >,< b > and < u >. Be sure to close all of your tags properly, or your button may not work correctly.

That’s all there is to adding buttons to your Canva designs! With a little creativity, you can use buttons to make your designs more interactive and stylish.

ПРО СОВЕТ: Кнопки Canva можно добавить в Canvas, перейдя на вкладку «Кнопки» и выбрав опцию «Добавить кнопку». Однако перед добавлением любой кнопки в Canvas важно проверить, совместима ли она с Canvas. Некоторые кнопки могут работать с Canvas некорректно, что может привести к проблемам с вашим дизайном.

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