Как добавить Mp4 в Figma?

Adding an mp4 to Figma is easy! Simply select the “File” menu, then “Import”, and choose the video file you wish to add. You can also use the “Drag and Drop” method to add your video.

Once your video is added, you can adjust its size and position on the canvas. To edit the video, double-click on it and a new window will open. From here, you can trim the video, add fades, change the playback speed, and more.

To style your video in HTML, simply add the appropriate tags around the code for your video. For example, to make your video bold, you would add the < b > tag before and after the code for your video.

To make it underlined, you would use the < u > tag. And to add a paragraph around your video, you would use the < p > tag.

By following these simple steps, you can easily add an mp4 to Figma and style it using HTML tags.

PRO TIP: Adding MP4 files to Figma is not currently supported. We recommend using a different file format (such as GIF) for your animation.