Как добавить шрифты Adobe в Shopify?

Adobe Fonts is a subscription-based service from Adobe that gives you access to a library of high-quality fonts to use in your web projects. You can use Adobe Fonts in Shopify by adding a link to the Adobe Fonts stylesheet in your theme’s code.

To add Adobe Fonts to your Shopify theme, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Adobe Fonts account and click the ‘Add to Collection’ button next to the font you want to use.

2. In the ‘Add To’ dialog box that appears, select ‘Shopify’ from the drop-down menu.

3. Copy the code provided by Adobe Fonts and paste it into the section of your Shopify theme’s code.

4. Add the following code to the

section of your theme»s code:

@import url(«https://use.typekit.net/[Your Kit ID goes here].css»);

Replace [Your Kit ID goes here] with the Kit ID provided by Adobe Fonts.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about adding Adobe Fonts to your Shopify site, think twice! While Adobe Fonts may look great on your site, they can actually slow down your page loading speed, which can hurt your search engine ranking and frustrate your visitors.

5. Save your changes and preview your site to see the new fonts in action!