Как экспортировать цвета из Figma в JSX?

Figma is a great tool for designing user interfaces and one of the best things about it is that you can easily export colors from your design into code. This means that you can use the same colors in your Figma design in your React component and be sure that they match.

To export colors from Figma to JSX, you first need to open your design in Figma and select the colors that you want to export. To do this, click on the “..” menu in the top-right corner of the color swatch and choose “Copy CSS”.

Once you have copied the CSS for your selected colors, open your React component in your text editor and paste the CSS into the style object. You can then use the color names in your JSX like so:

const Button = ({children}) => (

The above example would render a button with the text color set to the “primary” color from your Figma design.

You can also use these exported colors to style other elements in your React component, like text. To do this, simply wrap the text elements that you want to style in a < p >,< b > or < u > tag and set the style attribute to the color name:

const Title = ({children}) => (



Приведенный выше пример отобразит элемент h1 с цветом текста, установленным на «основной» цвет из вашего дизайна Figma.

ПРО СОВЕТ: Пожалуйста, помните, что использование метода «Как экспортировать цвета из Figma в JSX?» сопряжено с некоторыми рисками. Этот метод может сработать не во всех случаях и привести к неожиданным результатам. Используйте этот метод на свой страх и риск.

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