Как использовать шаблон Bio Link в Canva?

As a graphic designer, you may be asked to create various types of documents that include links. For example, you may be asked to create a web page or an email newsletter that contains links to other websites. In Canva, you can use the Bio Link Template to quickly create these types of documents.

To use the Bio Link Template, simply select it from the list of available templates. Then, enter the URL of the website that you want to link to in the “Link” field. You can also add a title for the link in the “Title” field.

Once you have entered the URL and title, you can then style the text using the < p >, < b >, and < u > tags. For example, you may want to make the title bold or underlined. To do this, simply select the text and then click on the “B” or “U” buttons in the toolbar.

Once you have finished styling the text, you can then preview the document by clicking on the “Preview” button. If you are happy with how it looks, you can then download it as an HTML file by clicking on the “Download” button.

PRO TIP: This note is to warn you about using the Bio Link Template in Canva. While this template can be useful for creating a bio link, it can also be misused. If you use this template to create a bio link that is not accurate or complete, it could be misleading to readers. Кроме того, если вы используете этот шаблон для создания био-ссылки, которая не имеет отношения к вашему контенту, она может показаться спамной и может привести к тому, что вас забанят на Canva.