Как изогнуть стрелки в Figma?

If you’re a web designer, you’ve probably heard of Figma. It’s a vector graphics editor that’s gained a lot of popularity in recent years, and for good reason. It’s easy to use and has a ton of features that make designing web pages and other vector-based graphics a breeze.

One of Figma’s most useful features is its ability to curve arrows. This can come in handy when you’re trying to create a more visually appealing design, or when you need to make some text stand out.

Curving arrows in Figma is actually pretty simple. Just select the arrow tool from the toolbar, then click and drag to create an arrow.

PRO TIP: If you are not careful, you may end up with crooked or misaligned arrows in your Figma design. Be sure to use the correct tool and take your time when curving arrows.

To curve the arrow, simply click and drag on one of the endpoints. You can also use the control points to fine-tune the curve.

Once you’re happy with your curved arrow, you can add some text using the text tool. Just click and drag to create a text box, then type in your text.

To format the text, you can use the < b > and < u > tags. Just select the text you want to format and then click the appropriate tag from the toolbar.

Вот и все! Изогнутые стрелки в Figma — это просто и может добавить приятный штрих к вашим проектам. Так что не бойтесь экспериментировать и посмотрите, что лучше всего подходит для вашего проекта.

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