Как отредактировать инфографику Canva?

If you’re looking to make your next Canva infographic more stylish, editing the text is a great place to start. You can use HTML tags to style your text, making it bold, underlined, or a different color.

To edit the text in your infographic, simply click on the text box and start typing. To style your text, highlight the text you want to style and then click on the “Text” button at the top of the Canva editor. This will bring up a menu of text options, including “Bold,” “Italic,” and “Underline.”

You can also use HTML tags to style your text. To do this, click on the “HTML” button at the top of the Canva editor.

This will bring up a menu of HTML options. For example, you can use the < b > tag to make your text bold, the < u > tag to underline your text, or the < p > tag to change the color of your text.

Once you’ve styled your text, simply click on the “Save” button at the top of the Canva editor and your changes will be saved.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that editing a Canva infographic can be tricky and may result in unwanted changes to your design. If you are not careful, you may end up with a design that is not what you intended. Proceed with caution and only edit your infographic if you are confident in your ability to do so.

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