Как отредактировать метку в Figma?

If you’re using Figma to design a website or application, you might find yourself needing to edit a text label. Maybe you want to change the font, or the color, or the size.

Maybe you want to add some emphasis, or make it look like a link. Whatever the reason, it’s easy to do in Figma.

To edit a text label in Figma, simply double-click on the element in question. This will bring up the text editor, where you can make changes to the font, color, size, and more. You can also use the text editor to add emphasis to your text, by using the < b > and < u > tags.

Once you’re done making changes to your text label, simply click outside of the text editor to save your changes. That’s all there is to it!

PRO TIP: If you are not careful when editing labels in Figma, you may accidentally delete or change important information. Make sure to double-check your work before saving any changes.

Editing a text label in Figma is quick and easy. Simply double-click on the element to bring up the text editor, where you can make changes to the font, color, size, and more. You can also use the text editor to add emphasis to your text.

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