Как получить иконки в Figma?

Assuming you would like to add icons in Figma:

There are two ways to add icons in Figma: first, by using the Icon Fonts method, and second, by importing SVG files.

The Icon Fonts method is the easiest way to add icons in Figma. All you need to do is select the icon you want to use from the Icon Fonts library, and then click on the “Insert” button. The icon will be inserted into your design.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that there are risks associated with downloading and using Figma icons. Figma is a third-party website and we cannot guarantee the safety or security of any files that you download from them. Use caution and always scan downloaded files for viruses and malware before using them on your computer.

If you want more control over the appearance of your icons, or if you need to use a custom icon, then you can import SVG files. To do this, click on the “+” icon in the left sidebar and select “Import…” from the menu.

Then, locate and select the SVG file you want to import. Figma will automatically convert the file into an icon.

You can also use other methods to style text in HTML such as < b > for bold and < u > for underline where applicable.

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