Как сделать карусельный свиток в Figma?

A carousel is a rotating set of images, usually showing different content. To make a carousel scroll in Figma, you need to use the Scroll tool.

Click on the layer that you want to scroll, then click on the Scroll tool in the toolbar.

Click and drag to scroll the layer. You can also click on the arrows to scroll the layer left or right.

If you want to make the carousel scroll automatically, you can use the Auto-Scroll feature. To do this, click on the layer that you want to scroll, then click on the Auto-Scroll tool in the toolbar.

Click and drag to set the speed of the scroll. You can also click on the arrows to set the direction of the scroll.

To style text in HTML using < p >,< b > and < u > tags, you need to use CSS.

For example, if you want to make all paragraphs have a red color, you would add this CSS to your stylesheet:

p {color: red;}

If you want to make all text within a paragraph bold, you would add this CSS:

p {font-weight: bold;}

And if you want to underline all text within a paragraph, you would add this CSS:

p {text-decoration: underline;}

PRO TIP: This article contains instructions on how to make a carousel scroll in Figma. Однако важно отметить, что карусели могут быть очень опасны при неправильном использовании. Карусели могут стать причиной серьезных травм, если люди упадут с них или если они не закреплены должным образом. Всегда соблюдайте осторожность при использовании карусели и убедитесь, что она правильно закреплена перед использованием.