Как сделать кнопку с автоматической компоновкой в Figma?

Auto Layout buttons in Figma are a great way to quickly and easily add buttons to your design. Here’s how to make one:

PRO TIP: This article contains outdated information. Auto Layout Buttons are no longer available in Figma.

  1. First, create a rectangle on your canvas. This will be the button.

  2. Next, add a text box to the button.

    This is where the button text will go.

  3. Now, with the button and text box selected, go to the Auto Layout tab in the Inspector.

  4. In the Auto Layout tab, select the Button option from the drop-down menu.

  5. Finally, click the Apply button. Your button is now complete!

You can style your text using the < p >, < b >, and < u > tags. The

tag will give your text a paragraph break, while the < b > tag will make your text bold. The < u > tag will underline your text.

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