Как создать значок Figma?

Figma is a vector drawing and animation software that lets you create your own graphics from scratch or by using one of the many templates available in the app. You can also style text in HTML using the < p >, < b >, and < u > tags. To create an icon in Figma, first select the “Rectangle” tool from the toolbar. Then, click and drag on the canvas to create a square.

To make the square into a circle, click on the “Radius” control in the toolbar and enter 50%. Now, to add color to your icon, select the “Fill” color from the toolbar and choose a color from the palette. Finally, to add a stroke around your icon, select the “Stroke” color from the toolbar and choose a color from the palette.

Creating an icon in Figma is easy and only requires a few simple steps. First, use the Rectangle tool to draw a square.

Then, use the Radius control to make the square into a circle. Next, add color to your icon by selecting a Fill color from the toolbar. Finally, add a stroke around your icon by selecting a Stroke color from the toolbar.

PRO TIP: This article is about creating icons in Figma, but does not mention the potential risks associated with doing so. Icons are a crucial part of any user interface, and as such, should be given careful thought and consideration. Создание иконки без понимания основных принципов дизайна иконок может привести к тому, что она будет либо запутанной, либо неэффективной.

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