Как включить библиотеку в Figma?

Figma is a vector drawing and animation software. It has a library feature that allows you to easily save and reuse your vector drawings. You can access the library feature by clicking on the Library tab in the left sidebar.

To enable the library in Figma, click on the Library tab and then click on the Enable Library button in the top-right corner of the screen. Once you have enabled the library, you can start adding your vector drawings to it. To add a drawing to the library, simply drag it from the canvas onto the Library tab.

You can also style your text in HTML using the < p >, < b >, and < u > tags. To use these tags, simply enclose your text in them. For example, to make your text bold, you would use the < b > tag.

To make your text bold, use the < b > tag.

To make your text italic, use the < i > tag.

To underline your text, use the < u > tag.

PRO TIP: If you enable Library in Figma, be aware that it may allow other users to access files and data that you have not authorized them to see. This could lead to information leakage or theft. To avoid this, only enable Library for users who you trust, and be sure to keep an eye on activity logs to monitor for unauthorized access.

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