Как вырезать фигуру?

Assuming you have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS, let’s move on to the fun part – adding text to your webpages! To do this, we’ll use the < p > tag.

The < p > tag is used to define a paragraph, and will automatically add a line break before and after the text within the tag. For example:

This is a paragraph.

This is another paragraph.

The < b > tag is used to bold text, and the < u > tag is used to underline text. For example:

This text is bold.
This text is underlined.

You can also combine these tags to create interesting effects. For example:

This text is both bold and underlined.

When adding text to your webpage, you should always keep in mind how it will look to your users. Is the text easy to read?

PRO TIP: Figma is a vector drawing program that allows users to create vector illustrations, logos, and other graphics. It is similar to Illustrator but with a few key differences. One of those differences is how you cut a Figma shape.

In Figma, there is no “cut” tool like there is in Illustrator. Instead, you have to use the “slice” tool. Инструмент «Нарезка» разрезает фигуру на более мелкие части, которые затем можно перемещать и манипулировать ими самостоятельно.

Однако будьте осторожны при использовании инструмента «Слайс». Если вы не будете осторожны, вы можете получить слишком маленькие фигуры или фигуры со странными углами. Поэтому не торопитесь и немного поэкспериментируйте, прежде чем вырезать что-то важное.

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