Могут ли плагины Figma получить доступ к API браузера?

Figma’s plugin system is powerful and flexible, but it has limitations. One area where Figma plugins cannot access is the browser API.

This means that if you want to use a Figma plugin to style text in HTML, you’ll need to use the < p >, < b > and < u > tags.

The browser API is a set of programming interface that allows software to interact with web browsers. This includes things like the ability to create new tabs, windows, and history entries. It also includes the ability to style elements on a web page.

PRO TIP: There is a potential security risk involved with using Figma plugins that have access to browser API. If a plugin is not properly designed or implemented, it could allow malicious third-parties to access sensitive information or perform actions on your behalf without your knowledge or consent.

For example, a plugin with access to browser API could:

-Read your browsing history
-Access cookies and other data stored in your browser
-Change the behavior of websites you visit
-Perform actions on your behalf on websites you visit (e.g., make purchases, send messages, etc.)

Before installing or using any Figma plugins, be sure to research the plugin and review its permissions to ensure it is safe to use. Only install plugins from trusted sources and never provide your Figma account credentials to untrusted third-parties.

Figma’s plugin system does not have access to the browser API. This means that if you want to use a Figma plugin to style text in HTML, you’ll need to use the < p >, < b > and < u > tags. These tags will allow you to control the font size, weight, and style of your text.

While Figma’s plugin system has its limitations, it is still a powerful tool that can be used to create amazing designs. If you need to style text in HTML, be sure to use the < p >,< b > and < u > tags.

While Figma’s plugin system has its limitations, it is still a powerful tool that can be used to create amazing designs.

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