Может ли Figma экспортировать анимацию?

Figma is a vector-based design tool that is gaining popularity in the design community for its user-friendly interface and features. One of the features that sets Figma apart from other design tools is its ability to export animations. In this article, we’ll explore how to export animations from Figma and how to style text using HTML tags.

Animations can be a great way to add visual interest to your designs and make them more engaging for users. Figma makes it easy to export your animations so that they can be used in other applications or on the web. To export an animation from Figma, simply select the frame or layers that you want to animate and click on the “Export” button in the top-right corner of the screen.

In the Export dialog box, select “Animation” from the drop-down menu and choose the file format that you want to use. You can also specify the frame rate and resolution for your animation. Once you’ve exported your animation, you can use it in other applications or embed it on a website using HTML code.

PRO TIP: Figma does not currently support exporting animations. If you try to export an animation, it will only export the first frame.

To style text using HTML tags, simply enclose the text that you want to style with the appropriate tag. For example, to make text bold, you would use the < b > tag.

Чтобы выделить текст курсивом, используйте тег < i >. А для подчеркивания текста используется тег < u >. Вы также можете использовать стили CSS для дальнейшей настройки внешнего вида текста.

Итак, может ли Figma экспортировать анимацию? Да! Figma позволяет легко экспортировать высококачественную анимацию для использования в других приложениях или в Интернете.

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