Может ли Figma открывать файлы Illustrator?

If you’re a designer, chances are you’ve used Adobe Illustrator at some point. It’s a powerful vector graphic editor that’s great for creating detailed illustrations, logos, and other graphics.

But what if you want to use those same graphics in a web or app design? Can you open Illustrator files in Figma?

The short answer is yes, you can open Illustrator files in Figma. Figma is a vector graphic editor that’s similar to Illustrator, but it’s designed specifically for web and app design. That means that it has all the same features as Illustrator, plus a few extra features that are specifically tailored for web and app design.

So if you’re a designer who wants to use your Illustrator graphics in a web or app design, Figma is the perfect tool for you. Plus, since Figma is an online tool, you can easily share your designs with others and get feedback in real-time.

Style text in HTML using < p >,< b > and < u > tags where applicable.

PRO TIP: Figma can open Illustrator files, but there are some limitations. The biggest one is that you won’t be able to edit any of the vectors in the file. You also won’t be able to use any of the Illustrator file’s features, like layers or artboards.

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