Можно ли добавить глифы в Canva?

Glyphs are little symbols that can be used to add visual interest to your designs. You can find them in the icons section of the Canva editor. To add a glyph, simply click on the icon and drag it onto your design.

There are lots of different glyphs to choose from, so take some time to experiment and see which ones you like the best. You can also change the color of the glyphs, so don’t be afraid to experiment with that as well.

PRO TIP: Adding glyphs in Canva is not recommended as it can cause issues with the design.

Once you’ve added a glyph, you can style it using the < b > and < u > tags. For example, if you want to make the glyph bold, you would use the < b > tag. If you want to underline it, you would use the < u > tag.

So, can you add glyphs in Canva? Yes! Just head over to the icons section and start dragging and dropping them into your design.

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