Можно ли добавить код в Figma?

Figma is a vector-based design tool that is gaining popularity among web and interface designers. One of its main benefits is that it offers an easy way to add code to your designs. This allows you to quickly test out ideas and see how they would look in a real-world application.

To add code to your Figma design, simply select the element you want to add code to and click the “Add Code” button in the toolbar. This will open a window where you can enter your code. Once you’re happy with your code, click the “OK” button and your code will be added to your design.

You can also style text in HTML using the < p >,< b > and < u > tags. To do this, simply select the text you want to style and click the “Style” button in the toolbar.

A window will open where you can enter your HTML code. Once you’re happy with your code, click the “OK” button and your text will be styled accordingly.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that adding code to Figma is not recommended and may result in unexpected behaviour. Code added to Figma may be unresponsive or produce unexpected results.

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