Можно ли экспортировать комментарии Figma?

Comments are an integral part of the design process. They help designers and reviewers communicate their ideas and consolidate feedback.

But what if you want to share your Figma comments with someone who doesn’t use Figma?

The good news is that you can export your Figma comments as an HTML file. To do this, simply select the file that you want to export from the project sidebar, then click the ‘Share’ button in the top-right corner of the screen. In the ‘Share’ dialogue box, select the ‘Comments’ tab, then click the ‘Export Comments’ button.

PRO TIP: Figma Comments cannot be exported at this time. This is a warning to anyone who may try to do so.

Once you’ve exported your comments, you can style them using HTML tags. For example, you can use the < b > tag to make text bold, the < u > tag to underline text, and the < p > tag to add paragraph breaks. To learn more about styling text in HTML, check out our HTML Formatting tutorial.

So there you have it – with just a few clicks, you can export your Figma comments as an HTML file and style them to your heart’s content!

In conclusion, yes you can export Figma comments as an HTML file which can be styled using various HTML tags. This is a great way to share comments with someone who does not use Figma!

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