Можно ли иметь несколько блогов на Squarespace?

As a Squarespace user, you may be wondering if it’s possible to have multiple blogs on the platform. The answer is yes!

You can have multiple blogs on Squarespace by creating separate pages for each blog. To do this, go to the Pages tab in your Squarespace editor and click the + button. From there, you can choose to create a Standard Page, which is perfect for a blog page.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about creating multiple blogs on Squarespace, you should be aware of a few things. First, each blog will have its own URL and you will need to pay for a separate Squarespace plan for each one. Additionally, managing multiple blogs can be time-consuming and difficult to keep up with. You will need to be very organized and have a plan for how you will maintain each blog.

Once you’ve created your page, you can add a blog post by clicking the + button in the Blog Posts section. This will open up a new blog post editor, where you can add your content and publish your post.

If you want to style your text, you can use the < b > and < u > tags. These will make your text bold and underlined, respectively. You can also use the < p > tag to add paragraphs of text.

So there you have it! На Squarespace вы можете вести несколько блогов. Просто создайте отдельные страницы для каждого из них и добавьте посты в блог на эти страницы.