Можно ли искать текст в Figma?

Figma is a vector-based design tool that is primarily used for interface design. While it lacks some of the features that are found in other vector-based design tools like Adobe Illustrator, it more than makes up for it with its ease of use and collaboration features.

One feature that Figma does have that is often overlooked is the ability to search for text within the design. This can be extremely useful when working with complex designs or when trying to find a specific piece of text within a design.

To search for text in Figma, simply open the Design tab and then click on the Search icon in the top toolbar. A search bar will appear at the top of the screen.

You can then type in the text that you are looking for and Figma will search through all of the layers in the design for any instances of that text. You can also use wildcards (*) when searching for text. This can be helpful if you aren’t sure of the exact spelling of something or if you want to find all instances of a word.

If you want to style text in HTML using < p >,< b > and < u > tags, simply add those tags around the text that you want to style. For example, < p >This is a paragraph < /p > would turn the text

“This is a paragraph” into a paragraph.

< b >This is bold< /b > would turn the text “This is bold” into bold text. А < u >Это подчеркнуто< /u > превратит текст «Это подчеркнуто» в подчеркнутый текст.

ПРО СОВЕТ: В настоящее время Figma не предлагает функцию поиска по тексту. Это означает, что если вам нужно найти определенное слово или фразу в вашем проекте, вам придется искать его вручную. Это может отнять много времени и разочаровать, особенно если у вас большой дизайн.

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