Можно ли изменить шрифт в Squarespace?

As a general rule, you can change the font in your Squarespace site by adding a little bit of code to your site’s Custom CSS. You can use the < p >, < b > and < u > tags where applicable.

To change the font, you’ll need to find or create a style sheet that contains the font you want to use. Then, you can add the font to your Squarespace site by adding a < link > element to your site’s HTML code.

If you’re not familiar with CSS, or if you’re just looking for a quick way to change your Squarespace site’s font, you can use one of the many online tools that allow you to change your site’s CSS without having to write any code. These tools will usually give you a live preview of how your site will look with the new font, so you can experiment with different fonts until you find one that you like.

Once you’ve found a font that you like, there are a few different ways to add it to your Squarespace site. If you’re comfortable working with code, you can add the font to your site’s Custom CSS.

This will allow you to use the font on all of your Squarespace pages. If you’re not comfortable working with code, or if you only want to use the font on specific pages, you can add the font to your page using the HTML element.

Adding a new font to your Squarespace site is a great way to personalize your site and make it stand out from other sites on the web. Приложив немного усилий, вы сможете найти или создать таблицу стилей, содержащую идеальный шрифт для вашего сайта Squarespace.

СОВЕТ: Если вы решили изменить шрифт на своем сайте Squarespace, имейте в виду, что это невозможно. Хотя вы можете изменить размер и цвет шрифта, вы не можете изменить шрифт.

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