Можно ли сделать контур текстового поля в Canva?

As a web designer, I am often asked about the best way to style text in HTML. The answer, of course, depends on the context in which the text will be used. In this article, I will discuss the use of three common HTML tags: the < p > tag, the < b > tag, and the < u > tag.

The < p > tag is used to designate a paragraph of text. The text within a paragraph is typically displayed in a block format, with each line being indented from the left margin.

To create a paragraph of text in HTML, simply enclose the desired text within opening and closing

tags. For example:

This is a paragraph of text.

This is another paragraph of text.

The < b > tag is used to designate bold text. Bold text is often used to emphasis important words or phrases within a block of text.

To create bold text in HTML, simply enclose the desired text within opening and closing < b > tags. For example:

This sentence contains bold text.

The < u > tag is used to designate underlined text. Underlined text is often used to emphasis important words or phrases within a block of text.

To create underlined text in HTML, simply enclose the desired text within opening and closing < u > tags. For example:

This sentence contains underlined text.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that Canva does not currently offer the ability to outline a text box. We recommend using another program such as Adobe Photoshop to create this effect.

In conclusion, you can use the < p >, < b >, and < u > tags to style your HTMLtext according to your needs.