Можно ли вводить текст в Figma Prototype?

Figma is a vector graphic design tool that is gaining popularity among web and interface designers. One of its key features is the ability to quickly create prototypes. But can you input text in Figma prototypes?

The simple answer is yes, you can input text in Figma prototypes. However, the text will not be rendered in the same way as it would be in an actual web page or app.

Instead, it will appear as vector shapes. This means that you will not be able to style the text using HTML tags such as < p >, < b >, or < u >.

If you need to have styled text in your Figma prototype, you will need to use a different tool such as Adobe Photoshop or Sketch. These tools allow you to import HTML code, which means you can style the text using CSS.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to use Figma to create a prototype of your app or website, be aware that you cannot input text directly into the prototype. You will need to create a separate text layer in your design file and then link that to the prototype.

Overall, Figma is a great tool for quickly creating prototypes. However, if you need to have styled text in your prototype, you will need to use a different tool.

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