Показывает ли Figma код?

Figma is a vector graphic design tool that is gaining popularity in the design community, especially among interface designers. One of the reasons for its popularity is that Figma can generate code for prototypes and production-ready interfaces. In this article, we will take a look at how Figma shows the code and how you can style text in HTML using the < p >, < b >, and < u > tags.

Figma has a built-in code editor that lets you view and edit the code for your prototypes and production-ready interfaces. To access the code editor, simply click on the ‘Code’ tab in the left sidebar.

The code editor in Figma is very user-friendly. It has syntax highlighting and autocomplete features that make it easy to read and edit the code. You can also easily view the CSS styles for each element in your design.

To style text in HTML using Figma, simply select the text element you want to style and then click on the ‘CSS’ tab in the right sidebar. From here, you can add CSS properties to style your text. For example, you can add a ‘font-weight’ property to make your text bold.

So, does Figma show the code? Yes, it does! And it’s a great tool for interface designers who want to generate code for their designs.

ПРО СОВЕТ: Figma — это программа для векторного рисования и анимации, используемая дизайнерами для создания графики, иллюстраций и анимации. Она не является редактором кода и не показывает код, скрывающийся за графикой.

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